welcome to the

The National Environmental Excellence Awards

1st December, 2023

Mulungushi international Conference Centre, KK Wing –Lusaka, Zambia.

The National Environmental Excellence Awards, is an environmental Awards program which is initiated and implemented by The Technical Centre for Climate Change and Agricultural Development (TCCCAD), which has an annual mandate of recognizing And honouring outstanding performance in preserving the environment for future generations and promoting and inspiring companies in their work to minimize negative environmental impact through Sustainable Business efforts towards climate mitigation and adaptation in Zambia.

The awards aim to recognize the work of individuals, organizations, and communities that are leading the way in combatting climate change, from reducing their carbon footprints to developing innovative technologies and initiatives.

The competition “National Environmental Excellence Awards” is organised every year with the aim of identifying eco-friendly companies who have implemented measures that have a positive impact on the environment and, by acknowledging the winners of the competition, to also encourage other companies, organisations and people to use similar solutions

The intent of the National Environmental Excellence Awards is to showcase impactful, practical, scalable, and replicable cutting-edge solutions for our planet that can respond to the challenges posed by climate change.

Objectives of the Awards

  • Recognize and celebrate achievements in sustainable resource use and environmental management
  • Encourage others towards environmental consciousness and action
  • Publicize and disseminate good ideas and practices
  • Build political will of the government and commitment of Public and Private  organisations towards the environment

Who is eligible?

Open to innovative projects, interventions or ongoing activities that have successfully changed the identified eco behaviours of its target audience(s). Open to any organisations that have successfully demonstrated that they delivered the desired behavioural change in their target group. All companies or individuals who have made a greater effort to reduce environmental impact and to improve environmental state within the last 24 months are welcome to participate.

Categories and Entry Criteria

Choose categories where you have clear evidence of the impact your project, team, or organisation has made. There is no limit to the number of categories you may enter, but we recommend aiming for quality submissions over quantity. Click on each category name to see what the judges will be looking for.

By entering your organisation, you will have the opportunity to be acknowledged among Zambia’s most prestigious organisations and individuals. It’s an opportunity not to be missed

Awards Categories:

The Nature Conservation Award of the year

Awarded to an organisation for successfully protecting, rehabilitating or mitigating damage to the Earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems and/or Earth’s natural resources.

The Climate Change Award of the year

Awarded to an organisation that has achieved a substantial reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions or is providing a product, service or technology that significantly reduces GHG emissions.

The Eco-Innovation Award of the year

For an innovative Design, Construction, Technology, Methodology, Product or Service that serves the needs of humans whilst also being supportive of and beneficial for the Earth’s biodiversity and eco-systems.

The Circular Economy Waste Innovation Award of the year

For a policy, programme, project, product, service or technology that significantly reduces waste volumes and/or facilitates a circular economy through re-use, recycling or upcycling.

The Circular Economy Waste Innovation Award of the year

For a product, service or technology that preserves or restores water quality or achieves significant savings of water resources.

The Water Conservation Award of the year

For a policy, programme, project, product, service or technology that significantly reduces waste volumes and/or facilitates a circular economy through re-use, recycling or upcycling.

The Eco-Fashion and Lifestyle Award of the year

For furnishings, appliances, clothing, accessories and materials that whilst serving the needs of human beings are also supportive of and beneficial for the Earth’s biodiversity and eco-systems.

The Eco-Health and Wellness Award of the year

For health, wellness and beauty products that whilst serving the needs of human beings are also supportive of and beneficial for the Earth’s biodiversity and eco-systems.

The Eco-Friendly Home Products Award of the year

For household products and appliances that are environmentally friendly, effective and affordable thereby enabling consumers to use their ’Consumer-Power’ to support and promote a sustainable society and environment.

The Eco-Community Award of the year

For a community or school that has acted collectively and effectively to protect, preserve, or restore the Earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems, or natural resources.

The Eco-Hospitality and Tourism Award of the year

For a hospitality or tourism related organisation that whilst serving the needs of human beings is also supportive of and beneficial for the Earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems or natural resources.

The Eco-Angel Award of the year

For an individual, whose caring and nurturing actions have saved, conserved, or restored the Earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems, or natural resources.

The Eco-Warrior Award of the year

For an individual, whose defensive or combative actions have defended, protected, or prevented harm to the Earth’s biodiversity, eco-systems, or natural resources.

The Green Startup Award of the year

This award is open to any business employing fewer than 50 people that is committed to playing a leading role in the green economy through the development of new products and services and/or the pioneering of sustainable business models. The judges are looking for Zambia’s small and medium-sized entities that have over the past year curbed their environmental impacts and successfully promoted the importance of greener products, services, and business models. Successful entrants will showcase their environmental credentials, detail the steps they have taken to improve their environmental performance, provide clear evidence of their success, and explain how they are working to drive green progress across the wider economy.

Successful entries should include information on:

  • How did the business come to focus on environmental issues?
  • How has the business taken steps to reduce its environmental impacts?
  • How is it supporting the net zero transition and the development of the green economy?
  • How is it engaging employees, customers, and other stakeholders in its environmental efforts?
  • How have the company’s environmental efforts been received?

Lifetime Achievement Award of the year

This special award will go to an inspirational leader who has worked to advance the cause of the green economy throughout their entire career. The winner of the award will be selected by the team with input from our judging panel. However, if you would like to nominate a individual who you think is particularly deserving of the Lifetime Achievement Award then comments on their merits will be taken into consideration.

Recycling Project of the Year

Open to any Zambia’s project that is working to boost recycling rates be it through new technologies, infrastructure, services, or behaviour change. The judges are looking for genuinely innovative, high-impact projects that have demonstrably reduced waste levels and boosted recycling rates. Entries should demonstrate how the project was developed and how it delivered on its goals. The judges are particularly interested in seeing scalable solutions that can help drive up national recycling rates that have flat lined in recent years.

Successful entries should include information on:

  • How was the project instigated and what did it aim to achieve?
  • How did the project deliver on its goals?
  • What barriers did the project have to overcome?
  • How was the project received by stakeholders?

The Green Business Leader Award of the year

We are seeking nominations for a CEO or senior executive who has driven the development and adoption of more sustainable business models and/or cutting-edge environmental initiatives that are serving to accelerate the development of the Zambia’s green economy. The judges are looking to commend an inspiring leader who has not only been instrumental in driving positive environmental change at their organisation, but has also helped to make the wider case for the net zero transition. The strongest contenders will provide clear evidence of the successful initiatives and programmes they have led, provide an impression of their commitment to and understanding of green business issues, and demonstrate how they have helped colleagues and peers embrace green business models and policies.

Successful entries should include information on:

  • How did the nominee’s leadership help deliver on environmental and commercial goals for their organisation?
  • What leadership qualities did the nominee demonstrate?
  • What successes have they enjoyed over the past 18 months their role?
  • How have they worked with colleagues and partners to deliver on their green goals?
  • How have they supported the development of the wider green economy?
  • What can others learn from their work?

National Csr excellence Award of the year

Recognising a company that has either improved access to clean water for local communities or introduced innovative and effective systems for preventing remedying water pollution.

Business Transformation Award of the year

Business must change. Our planet is on the brink of irreversible collapse and increasingly society expects companies to take the lead and address these social and environmental challenges. The Business Transformation Award will reward the company that is taking critical steps to transform its business model in line with a clean, resilient and just future. It’s important that the entry includes data, disclosures and investments that support this systemic transformation, plus evidence of a supporting governance that aligns these changes with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs

Product Innovation Award of the year

The award will go to a company that has developed an innovative product offering that is helping address a critical social or environmental challenge. This product or service, now part of the core business model or strategy, must challenge the status quo. The winning entry will provide data, disclosures and investments that demonstrates real positive impact from this new product offering. Entries should highlight how the product or service is both designed and delivered. Entries will be considered over a 2-to-5-year timescale, but activity during 2022-2023 must be demonstrated.

Partnership Award of the Year

This award will recognise innovative partnerships that are addressing a key environmental or social issue. Submissions must demonstrate the impact and results of this collaboration – whether it is cross-sector, or a private-public partnership – and how it is delivering significant impact. A clear material link to business strategy, and potential long-term benefits of the partnership are desirable.

Net Zero Transition Award of the year

Limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 Degrees requires ambitious investments and innovations across all areas of business and finance. This award, rewards a company that can demonstrate a tangible transition toward a 1.5-Degree goal, through a publicly communicated net zero commitment, plus data, disclosures and investments to support it. It is imperative they describe their offset strategy. It’s also important that there’s evidence of a supporting governance structure such as incentives and interim objectives. Entries will be considered over a 2-to-5-year timescale, but activity during 2022-2023 must be demonstrated.

Responsible Business Honouree Award of the year

The Award goes to an individual dedicated their career to delivering change and has a track record of success. The Responsible Business Honouree has been and continues to be catalyst for change within the industry.

The winner will have been a catalyst for real, proven change and a widely recognised positive social or environmental impact, preferably beyond the boundaries of one particular industry

Responsible Investor of the Year Award

The Responsible Investor Award goes to an investment institution that has fully integrated ESG into the governance, strategy, philosophy, and investment processes of all asset classes. It’s important that the entry includes data, disclosures and evidence that supports this transformative approach to investment across the whole organisation, plus evidence of supporting governance that aligns these changes with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. Entries will be considered over a 2-to-5-year timescale, but activity during 2022-2023 must be demonstrated.

Green Education and Training Provider Award of the year

Award recognize the role of education in connecting the social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

The Green Communications Agency Award of the year

Open to any communications, advertising, marketing and/or PR agency that has successfully promoted green businesses and the merits of the Zambia’s green economy over the past 18 months. The judges are looking for an organisation that has significantly raised the profile of its clients’ green products, services, and/or activities through innovative multi-platform campaigns, while also engaging a wide range of audiences with effective messaging that encourages them to embrace more sustainable products and behaviours. The strongest entries will showcase the agency’s approach to communicating green messages, provide clear evidence of the successful campaigns it has orchestrated, and demonstrate how it works to enhance its own environmental performance.

Successful entries should include information on:

  • How has the agency promoted green clients and encouraged engagement with the green economy?
  • What successful green campaigns has the agency delivered over the past 18 months, how were they developed, and what impact did they have?
  • How has the agency worked to build public and stakeholder support for the net zero transition and green economy?
  • How has the agency worked to curb its own environmental impacts?

Carbon Reduction Award of the year

Recognising an organisation that is significantly reducing greenhouses gas emissions across its value chain

Companies across the world are committing to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ensure global warming is kept to below 1.5°C. Leaders in this space are translating this intent into action, making fast progress to reduce their CO2 footprint in both their direct operations and wider value chain

Nature-based Project of the Year of the year

Open to any business-backed project that aims to protect and enhance nature. Whether the project is part of a CSR programme, a sustainable supply chain initiative, a regenerative agriculture strategy, or a credible carbon offset scheme, the judges are looking for innovative projects that deliver effective environmental gains, boost biodiversity, and bolster natural capital. The best entries will include a clear overview of how and why the project was developed, the business’ role within it, how it overcome some of the complex challenges facing nature recovery initiatives, and how it has helped raise awareness of the critical importance of nature.

Reasons to enter:


as well as your shareholders, investors and experts as a global leader in the industry


for your company’s commitment to excellence in the responsible business space


for spearheading innovation and best practice with the largest sustainability community in the world

Section 1: Contact Information

Name of Organization/Individual: Address: City: State/Province: Country: Postal/ZIP Code: Phone Number: Email Address: Website:

Section 2: Award Category

Please select the award category you are applying for (choose one):

  • Sustainable Business of the Year
  • Green Product Innovation
  • Renewable Energy Champion
  • Climate Action Leadership

Sustainable Community Initiative

Section 3: Entry Information

  1. Briefly describe your organization/initiative and its core objectives. (Maximum 200 words)
  2. How does your organization/initiative contribute to environmental sustainability? Please provide specific examples. (Maximum 500 words)
  3. What measurable environmental impact has your organization/initiative achieved? Please provide data, statistics, or relevant metrics. (Maximum 300 words)
  4. How does your organization/initiative promote awareness and education about environmental sustainability? (Maximum 300 words)

Section 4: Supporting Documentation

Please attach the following documents along with this entry form:

  1. Company/Initiative Profile (if applicable)
  2. Annual Sustainability Report (if available)
  3. Supporting photographs, videos, or any other relevant visual materials

Testimonials or references from clients, partners, or stakeholders

Section 5: Agreement and Signature

  1. By submitting this entry form, I confirm that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the judges’ decision will be final and that incomplete or late submissions may not be considered.

    Name of the Applicant: Position/Title: Date:

    Please submit the completed entry form and supporting documents via email to [email address] or by mail to the address provided above. The deadline for submissions is [deadline date].

    Thank you for your participation and commitment to environmental sustainability. We wish you the best of luck with your entry!

    [Organization/Event Name] [Contact Information]

Section 4: Supporting Documentation

Contact our Marketing Team:

Mobile: +260 96757387

E-mail: info@tcccadzambia.com